
Showing posts from 2020

Overview of Corona virus PART 2

 Replication of SARS-COVID 2:- How corona virus replicate in our body?? Ans:--     1.  Attachment :-                 is the first stage in the infection process in which the phage interacts with specific bacterial surface receptors . Most phages have a narrow host range and may infect one species of bacteria or one strain within a species. This unique recognition can be exploited for targeted treatment of bacterial infection by phage therapy or for phage typing to identify unique bacterial subspecies or strains  2.  penetration :- .                 The second stage of infection is entry  which occurs through contraction of the tail sheath, which acts like a hypodermic needle to inject the viral genome through the cell wall and membrane. The phage head and remaining components remain outside the bacteria.   3. Uncoating :--            ...

Overview of corona virus PART 1

The overview of CORONA VIRUS :--- There are 4 types of corona virus :- 1. Alpha coronavirus( bat/ rat) 2. Beta coronavirus (bat /rat) 3. Gamma coronavirus 4. Delta coronavirus Disease caused by coronavirus:- 1. Respiratory  2. enteric  3. hepatic  4. neurologic infection{pig,chicken,dog}  Humans:-   The coronavirus was thought to cause mild self limiting respiratory infection until 2002 when beta coronavirus cross-species barriers from bats to mammalian host, before jumping to humans, causing SARS.  More recently another beta Coronavirus in response for the serious Middle East respiratory syndrome MERS started in 2012.  The covid-19 is also a beta coronavirus the genome of the virus is fully sequence and appeared to to the most similar to a strain in bat suggesting it also originated from bats. The virus is also very similar to the SARS coronavirus therefore it is  renamed as SARS COV-2 It is still not confirmed that the virus jump from bat to hum...

Indian pharmacopeia (IP)

Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission  ( IPC ) is an autonomous institution of the  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare   which sets standards for all drugs that are manufactured, sold and consumed in India. The set of standards are published under the title  In dian Pharmacopoeia  ( IP ) . IP prescribes standards for identity, purity and strength of drugs essentially required from health care perspective of human beings and animals The official website of Indian pharmacopeia commission :--          History of publishing indian pharmacopeia :---   Follow are the PDF of Indian pharmacopeia(IP) books :-- 1.indian pharmacopeia 2010 vol 1        Download.         2.indian pharmacopeia 2010 vol 2       Download. 3.indian pharmacopeia 2010 Vol 3        Download. 4.indian pharmacopeia 2007 vol 1       Download. 5.i...

GPAT Question papers and Answerkeys

Hey there,  I am adding the GPAT and NIPER exam question papers with the answer key.  All year question papers with answer key is available in this blog, so that it might be helpful for you to know about GPAT and NIPER exam.  The official website for NTA -GPAT :-          GPAT Pearson Guide.pdf                Click here ...>>> For syllabus of NTA -GPAT EXAM            Click here ...>> Below are the questions paper of GPAT :-- 1. GPAT year 2010 question paper :-            Click here ...>>>      And it's answer sheet :--            Click here ...>>> 2.GPAT year 2011 question paper :-         Click here ...>>>        And it's answer sheet :--        ...


Hey guys,  I have added all the pharmacy books like pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical analysis etc...  I made easy to you to get your e-books so you can easily download and read. Below are the PDF of pharmabooks :- 1. Biopharmaceutics-by shargel & yu's Click here..... >>> 2. Human anatomy and physiology by Ross and Wilson  Click here..... >>>> 3. Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, G.H. Jeffery et al., 5th Edition Click here.... >>> 4. Medicinal Chemistry by Wilson and Gisvold Click here.... >>>> 5. Industrial Pharmacy book byLachman and Lieberman 3rd Edition Click here.... >>> 6. Remington_Essentials_of_Pharmaceutics_-_Felton,_Linda Click here..... >>>> 7. Textbook-of-Cosmetics by M. Vimaladevi Click here...... >>>> 8 .P-Microbiology_AshutoshKar-compressed.pdf Click here.... >>>> 9. pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics by RS.Satoskar....


           Arsenic album 30 Can 'Ars Alb-30' protect you from Covid-19??? Dr Anil Khurana, director in charge of Central Council of Homeopathy, was also quoted by the daily. He has also clarified that they are making no claims that Arcenium Album 30 will cure COVID-19 patients. He added Arsenicum Album for immunity is a great option and helps in boosting the immune system. Vitamins & Supplements ARSENIC OTHER NAME(S):   Arsenate,  Arsenic Pentoxide,  Arsenic Trichloride, arsenic album  Overview Information:- Arsenic is a trace element. It is found in several foods including seafood, poultry, grains (especially rice), bread, cereal products, mushrooms, and dairy products. Some forms of arsenic are used as medicine. Some forms of arsenic (inorganic arsenic) can have serious side effects. Healthcare  providers sometimes give  arsenic trioxide  intravenously (by IV) to treat a type of  blood cancer  called a...


hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) What is hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)???? Ans:- Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and its sister drug  chloroquine  ( Aralen ) are under investigation for treatment of the  COVID-19  coronavirus disease Korean doctors used these anti- malaria   drugs  to treat  COVID-19  with some success, according to a paper filed with Elsevier in March 2020, but effectiveness is unproven. Hydroxychloroquine is classified as an anti-malarial drug. It is similar to chloroquine (Aralen) and is useful in treating several forms of  malaria  as well as  lupus  erythematosus and  rheumatoid arthritis . Its mechanism of action is unknown. Malarial parasites invade human  red blood cells . Hydroxychloroquine may prevent malarial parasites from breaking down (metabolizing)  hemoglobin  in human red blood cells. Hydroxychloroquine is effective against the malarial parasites Plasmodium vivax, P. malariae,...