
Showing posts from August, 2020

Overview of corona virus PART 1

The overview of CORONA VIRUS :--- There are 4 types of corona virus :- 1. Alpha coronavirus( bat/ rat) 2. Beta coronavirus (bat /rat) 3. Gamma coronavirus 4. Delta coronavirus Disease caused by coronavirus:- 1. Respiratory  2. enteric  3. hepatic  4. neurologic infection{pig,chicken,dog}  Humans:-   The coronavirus was thought to cause mild self limiting respiratory infection until 2002 when beta coronavirus cross-species barriers from bats to mammalian host, before jumping to humans, causing SARS.  More recently another beta Coronavirus in response for the serious Middle East respiratory syndrome MERS started in 2012.  The covid-19 is also a beta coronavirus the genome of the virus is fully sequence and appeared to to the most similar to a strain in bat suggesting it also originated from bats. The virus is also very similar to the SARS coronavirus therefore it is  renamed as SARS COV-2 It is still not confirmed that the virus jump from bat to hum...